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The Music Teachers' Association of California (MTAC) is a professional music organization created in 1897 to promote excellence in the music teaching profession.


The South Bay Branch of MTAC was chartered in 1956 with just ten active members.

Currently, there are over 130 members serving the communities of southwestern Los Angeles County including Carson, Cypress, El Segundo, Gardena, Harbor City, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Lawndale, Lomita, Manhattan Beach, the Palos Verdes Peninsula, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, and Torrance.


Active Membership is the highest level of membership in MTAC.

  • Bachelor’s degree in music from an accredited college, university, or conservatory (or the equivalent)

  • A degree emphasis or four years of individual study at a college level in the desired Primary Instrument or Subject

  • Two years teaching experience in the Primary Instrument or Subject

  • Compliance with MTAC Bylaws


MTAC State Code of Ethics

(revised and accepted in 2014) 

Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC) was founded and incorporated in 1897 under the laws of the State of California to promote excellence in music education and the music teaching profession. The goals found in the MTAC’s Code of Ethics are not conditions of membership, but are ideals and aspirations for each MTAC member.


We, the members of the Music Teachers’ Association of California, shall aspire to: 

  • Be a musical resource to our community, and encourage our students to be musically involved in their communities.

  • Encourage, guide, and develop the musical potential of each student, and treat every student with dignity and respect without discrimination.

  • Clearly communicate to students the expectations of our studios, and respect the personal privacy of students unless disclosure is required by law.

  • Respect the student’s right to obtain instruction from the teacher of his or her choice.

  • Accurately represent our professional qualifications, and strive for continued professional development.

  • Respect the reputation and goodwill of colleagues and refrain from making false or malicious statements about colleagues.

  • Refrain from disclosing sensitive information about colleagues obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure is required by law or serves a compelling professional purpose in accordance with state and federal laws and/or MTAC practices, policies, and procedures. 

Branch News

On June 11th, Emily Anderson received the 2024
Lifetime Service Award for the MTAC South Bay Branch.

Check out the video below to watch the “interview” of Emily’s musical journey
and how she got into MTAC.

 Congratulations Emily! 






MTAC South Bay Branch does NO fundraising for these scholarships. We
are proud and glad to fund the scholarships mainly by donations and by
carefully appropriating membership dues. We are also excited that some of
the enrollment for our other programs have a little financial expense
overage and we gladly choose to send it back to our students through
*Scholarship Donations can be made at any time in two ways.
#1. Visit our branch website ( Across the top you will
see BRANCH PROGRAMS. On the Scholarship page there is a yellow button
that accesses donations! Please note that a pay pal fee will be deducted of
$3.98 so your donation will be recorded as $96.02.


#2. Send a check made out to MTAC South Bay in any amount and put
Scholarship Auditions in the memo. Send to:

Emily Anderson 1505 Sunnyside Terrace San Pedro, CA 90732

The entire amount will be applied to our Scholarship Auditions!



We need your help and thank you in advance. Perhaps you are a former
scholarship recipient or a recipient’s teacher, parent or grandparent. This

is your way to give back to other young people!




2024 SCJBF Complete Works Audition Winners


Gold Medallists: 
Audrey Chin (student of Dr. Linda Govel), Keyboard Concerti
Evalyn Yu (student of Betty Cheung), French Suites

Silver Medallists:
Michael Fabis (student of Dr. Su-Chuan Cheng), Duets
Art Yao (student of Dr. Janet Favreau), Italian Concerto

Bronze Medallists:
Zoe Zhang (student of Dr. Su-Chuan Cheng), Various Dance Movements
Luke Hsu (student of Dr. Linda Govel), Italian Concerto
Billy Waldman (student of Dr. Janet Favreau), Sonatas


Gold Medallist:
Li Li (student of Elmer Su), Violin Junior

Silver Medallists:
Kevin Hu (student of Elmer Su), Violin Senior
Jing Lien (student of Elmer Su), Violin Senior
SBBMF 2023 Festival Participants.jpg

2023 SCJBF Regional Winners:



Kevin Hu   Elmer Su

Noah Liao   Elmer Su

Caroline Matthews   Gail Gerding Mellert

Hana Snead   Gail Gerding Mellert

Caleb Tsai   Way Wong

Sophia Zhang   Elmer Su

Richard Zheng   Elmer Su



Joshua Chan   Esther Keel

Brayden Chuang   Joseph Keel

Emily Guo   Asuka Restauri

Celina Han   Betty Cheung

Luke Hsu   Dr. Linda Govel

Jaden Huang   Asuka Restauri

Ella Huang   Asuka Restauri

Henry Huang   Dr. Linda Govel

Hannah Huang   Dr. Linda Govel

Patrick Hwang   Jin Yoo

Kate Kligys   Noreen Wenjen

Kilan Lam   Dr. Linda Govel

Sammi Lam   Dr. Janet Favreau

Belinda Lee   Dr. Janet Favreau

Sophia Li   Dr. Janet Favreau

Juhyeok Lim   Joseph Keel

Ryan Lin   Dr. Su-Chuan Cheng

Kaito McCoy   Naoko Watanabe

Colin Moon   Dr. Janet Favreau

Yui Nakanishi   Naoko Watanabe

Makayla Phan   Noreen Wenjen

Maddie Stroud   Asuka Restauri

Astin Tsai   Dr. Su-Chuan Cheng

Billy Waldman   Dr. Janet Favreau

Angelina Wang   Lina Lee

Ethan Wu   Dr. Janet Favreau

Aurora Wu   Dr. Su-Chuan Cheng

Melody Wu   Dr. Su-Chuan Cheng

Eddy Yao   Dr. Janet Favreau

Art Yao   Dr. Janet Favreau

Alvin Yi   Akiko Dohi

Evalyn Yu   Betty Cheung

Jerry Zhang   Dr. Su-Chuan Cheng

Zoe Zhang   Dr. Su-Chuan Cheng

Scholarship Audition Winners


Senior Piano
Billy Waldman 1st Place, Studio of Dr. Janet Favreau
Brayden Chuang 2nd, Place Studio of Joseph Keel
Patrick Hwang PV Music House, Studio of Jin Yoo

Intermediate Piano
Juhyeok Lim 1st Place, Studio of Joseph Keel
Ryan Lin 2nd Place, Studio of Dr. Su-Chua Cheng

Junior Piano
Kaito McCoy 1st Place, Studio of Naoko Watanabe
Liana Chan 2nd Place, Studio of Kimmy Wang

Senior Woodwind
Dora Lee 1st Place, Studio of Naomi OZawa

Senior Vocalist
Sophie O'Shea 1st Place, Studio of Ann Grennan

Intermediate Vocalist
Yejoo Byun 1st Place, Studio of Soonhwa Park
Lucas Ro 2nd Place, Studio of Soonhwa Park

Senior String
Hana Snead 1st Place, Studio fo Gail Mellert
Kevin Hu 2nd Place, Studio of Elmer Su
Mathew Chang PV Music House, Studio of Elmer Su

Intermediate String
Noah Liao 1st Place, Studio of Elmer Su
Coco Sakuma 2nd Place, Studio of Gail Mellert

Junior String
Jacob Sun 1st Place, Studio of Elmer Su
Li Li 2nd Place, Studio of Elmer Su


Honorable Mention

Junior Piano
Jeremy Wong, Studio of Joseph Keel
Luke Hsu, Studio of Dr.Linda Govel
Austin Huang, Studio of David Wu
Sean Wang, Studio of Joseph Keel

Intermediate Piano
Nannah Huang, Studio of Dr.Linda Govel
Ethan Wang, Studio of David Wu

Senior Piano
Kona Wang, Studio of Betty Cheung

Intermediate Vocalist
Emma Soo, Studio of Soonhwa Park

Intermediate String
Sophia Zhang, Studio of Elmer Su

Senior String
Audrey Zheng, Studio of Elmer Su




Composers Today

Competition Winners


Ages 6-9

Ishaan Medatia


Ages 10-13

Naya Lesser


Ages 14-18

Elijah Peterson


© 2019 by MTAC South Bay

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